4 Boot Camp Workouts to Achieve Your Dream Body

by | Aug 22, 2023

Whether it’s because you want to achieve your dream body or simply want to get moving and get your heart beating, boot camp workouts may be what you need. Boot camp workouts are extremely effective and give you rapid results. It doesn’t matter if you’re a beginner or someone who exercises regularly. The following ideas for boot camp workouts are sure to work your body and challenge you.

1. Push-Up and Push-Up Variants

Push-ups have always been a go-to boot camp workout move because they engage the entire body. Additionally, they can be modified to suit your needs depending on whether you’re a beginner or not. When you’re originally building upper body strength, you can do push-ups by lowering them to your knee. You can then transition to traditional push-ups and to side plank reps. These are useful because, in addition to the full-body workout of push-ups, you also benefit from strengthening your obliques and shoulders with the side plank.

2. Burpees

Burpees are a common part of boot camp workouts. They’re extremely effective since you end up using your entire body. Additionally, they combine endurance training and cardio to result in a perfect exercise to challenge yourself.

Those who regularly work out can jump into burpees straight away, but if you’re a couch potato starting to get into fitness, you can slowly transition into burpees by starting = with half burpees. These are simply burpees without jumping. They’re a great transitioning exercise since they provide a full-body workout without being too intimidating. On the other hand, if you want to challenge yourself further, put a fun twist on traditional burpees by adding an overhead clap.

3. Scissors

Scissors are excellent as boot camp workouts go since they have so many benefits. In addition to helping you strengthen your core muscles, they also ensure you loosen tight hips. Like the other exercises, they can be modified as per your needs, and you can vary speed depending on the level of workout you want. Additionally, you can kick higher and slower if you want to maximize the stretch for more of a burn.

4. Lunges and Windmill Arms

Whether you’re warming up for other exercises or simply winding down, combining lunges and windmill arms will help you work out both your upper body and your lower body while still helping you focus on coordination and balancing. As you work out faster, coordinating won’t be as easy, but that’s the challenge that keeps you going.

Get in Shape With Coopers Troopers Bootcamp

While a boot camp workout at home is always a great idea, an in-person session is even better. Coopers Troopers Bootcamp provides varied outdoor boot camp sessions that challenge you and keep you in shape while having fun with other members. We have locations in the West Midlands and Worcestershire and have sessions at various parks.