

We Will Guide You Through Every Step!

Join hundreds of members and achieve your fitness goals

Since launching Cooper’s Troopers Fitness, we’ve been the catalyst for thousands in the midlands and Worcestershire, guiding them to sculpt their bodies and reshape their lives in the great outdoors. We’re eager to journey with you, too.

Cooper’s Troopers Fitness isn’t just an outdoor fitness group. It’s a brigade of dedicated professionals and industry standouts with a wealth of coaching knowledge, all aimed at guiding you to your peak potential while fostering genuine bonds with fellow outdoor fitness enthusiasts.

Joining Cooper’s Troopers Fitness means you’re not just another face in the crowd. You will receive personalized support, accountability, and motivation from a team dedicated to helping you achieve your best self.

In essence, we’re more than fitness trainers. We’re your outdoor fitness strategists and innovative solution finders.

Coopers Troopers Fitness - Large Group Training

Transform Your Fitness Journey Today!

Coopers Troopers Fitness Values

Coopers Troopers Fitness - Large Group Training


At Cooper’s Troopers Fitness, we champion genuine effort over perfection.

Every sweat, strain, and success story is a testament to our Troopers’ authentic commitment to their health and wellness journey.

Coopers Troopers Fitness - Large Group Training


Fitness knows no bounds. Regardless of age, background, or fitness level, every Trooper is welcomed and celebrated.

Our inclusive spirit ensures that everyone has a place in our community and the opportunity to thrive.

Coopers Troopers Fitness - Large Group Training


Our commitment to fitness goes beyond routines and reps.

It’s about a passion for healthy living and pushing boundaries, ensuring every Trooper feels that passion in each session.

Coopers Troopers Fitness - Large Group Training


Consistency is key.

At Cooper’s Troopers Fitness, we celebrate the unwavering dedication of our members, emphasising the journey over the destination and valuing every effort made, big or small.